nauseate - meaning and definition. What is nauseate
Online Dictionary

What (who) is nauseate - definition

·vi To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust.
II. Nauseate ·vt To sicken at; to reject with disgust; to Loathe.
III. Nauseate ·vt To affect with nausea; to Sicken; to cause to feel loathing or disgust.
(nauseates, nauseating, nauseated)
If something nauseates you, it makes you feel as if you are going to vomit.
The smell of frying nauseated her...
She could not eat anything without feeling nauseated.
VERB: V n, V-ed
¦ verb [often as adjective nauseating] affect with nausea.
nauseatingly adverb
Examples of use of nauseate
1. We must pray that it is not Ken Livingstone who, having barely lived down his concentration camp jibe, is now depicting London in a manner that repels even the most loyal residents of this dirty city and must nauseate a visiting athlete at the peak of his or her physical fitness, as the drought–stricken capital of unflushed toilets.